My Reading List Went From 38 to 22

Bo my feral kitten

This picture has nothing to do with what is on my mind but I just love this shot. Indulge me please!

So I am returning to blogging after 18 months and decided to clean up my reading list. Anything that had not been updated in the last four years, I deleted. My reading list went from 38 to 22! Wow!! It's kind of sad really. There were a few that I used to communicate with and we just lost touch. I am hoping that, like me, their lives became busy and they went on to other persuites. 
I am sure, for some, that their musings will be a permanent record of their life during that season and for others, maybe they moved onto something more glorious and it was merely a launch pad. Whatever the case, I wish you well.❤❤


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