Mental Exhaustion and What to Do When You Know You Have To Carry On!

Hey Friends,
As you can see from the date of my last post, it has been a long time. 
I had good intentions when I worked all summer long on my studies. The intention was to get ahead. What actually happened is that I was left to finish the final course whilst going back to full-time employment.  And boy was it a doozy!!  I just managed to finish my college year with a completion. So, in retrospect, I needed to work all summer just to complete the semester. Add to that a long, long, long, term in my school employment, (did I say long?) I am now thoroughly exhausted.

How do I know?
I have lost my motivation, I am mildly depressed, the less I do - the less I want to do, I feel overwhelmed, and I have to dig deep to find courage in the smallest of daily activities.
However, the show must go on, as they say. I need to get back on that horse and ride again.

John Wayne once said, 
"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway"

What Now?
I scoured the internet and this is the general consensus:-
1. Sleep - Get enough.
2. Eat healthy.
3. Drink enough Fluid
4. Exercise
5. Practice mindfulness - Journal, make space without sensory overload, be still. For me this means letting God speak to me.
6. Stop doing what takes from you (if possible). We all have those habits or relationships that deplete our energy.
7. Spend some time doing something you love.
8. And this is mine - Shut it all down, take stock, reorganize and hit it again.


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