The Buzz About Bullet Journalling
Hey friends, have you heard the buzz about bullet Journaling. Simply, it's a handwritten productivity tool. It is designed to help you manage your daily work load and encourage creative growth. I won't go into lengthy detail because there are a plethora of tutorials out there to guide you.
I bullet journal on a daily basis. It helps keep me focused and prevents me from losing my mind.
After my daily Bible reading and prayer I plan my day and this is what it looks like.
My to-do list for the week is on the left. This way I am not re-writing all those things each day. On the right I have completed two days with bullet points. I make it my own. This system works for me. If I complete it, it gets a check. If I didn't complete it, it gets an arrow and is carried over to the next convenient time. Some days I get more done than others, as can be seen above. I love this system and it has helped me accomplish so much this summer.
If you don't have system that works for you yet give it a try. It might be just what you need.