Which Reader Do You Prefer?

OK so , ‘The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, often go awry.’  ROBERT BURNS. I decided when Google Reader made their announcement about closure that I wasn’t going to panic and start trying out new Readers but would wait until some well informed people could do that for me. WELL NOW I AM PANICING! I would love some input from those who have made the move and are satisfied. 

I went through my reader today and purged out all the dead subscriptions. I am way too oversubscribed so I also unsubscribed those not posting recently (last 30 days). I know this might be a little unkind but I did make sure they weren’t ones I would miss too badly. I need to go through again and unsubscribe from those I am not enjoying anymore. I know my likes and interests have changed in the last 2 years so I just need to move on from those I don’t read anymore. So looking forward to making a fresh start in a new home. Any suggestions, please?  



Anonymous said…
I've been using Feedly and I like it.
Mary Ellyn said…
I've downloaded Feedly but haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. I am hanging onto Reader until the very last second
Mary Ellyn said…
I've downloaded Feedly but haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. I am hanging onto Reader until the very last second.
Beverly said…
I did the same thing. When there was a mass exodus a few months ago I thought why not let everyone else figure it out for me lol Then last week I did indeed get panicky. I read people's opinions and hooked up with Bloglovin' but really didn't love it. Next up Feedly and I like it much better but I'm not in love with it so am staying with GR until they turn out the lights Sunday :)
alexa said…
I am guessing you will have jumped ship by now so do let us know where you went! I have gone with Feedly and it serves my needs well, though sometimes the updating is erratic. A lot if people seem to have gone with Bloglovin' ...
Lorraine said…
Thanks for your input. I ended up with bloglovin' and will update in my next post. xx

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