Guest Post at Be Glorious and PL Week 3

Today is a fun day for me. Beverley at Be Glorious has invited me to guest post and it will go live to today. This is my first guest appearance so please give me some love and pop over and visit. If you want to be extra loving leave a comment. XX
The template is by Jessica Sprague and the kit is the Becky Higgins Clementine kit.
Not a particularly fast process. This took me the best part of three hours to put together. I am sure it will get faster as I get more used to the process. Having a specified time to work on it each week definitely helps. This way it is a date instead of being a guilt trip. (I know a lot of you know what I mean).
After I have completed my LO’s for the week I go back into my file and start a new PL file for the next LO. (When I download from my camera I keep them organized by date downloads. Each year I start a new file for that year). Under 2013 I keep a PL file. In that file I keep files dated by weeks.  I then load it up with copies of pics that I might want to scrap from that week. I am a week behind in putting my LO’s together so this little habit helps me get the pictures together while the week is fresh in my mind. That way when I come back to do the LO’s I have a file of pics ready to go.
I think this little habit will help me if I get several weeks behind. That way If I can’t put the LO’s together at least I will have the photo’s organized. It will also keep the pics separated out for ease of printing.
What about you? Any organizational tips to share.
PS I’ve joined a new Creative Team more news soon.


Sandra said…
Well done on the guest post, I'll pop over and have a look:) seems like you've found a system to work for you.

And congrats on the creative team
Hi Lorraine ~ I came to visit you from Beverly's blog. I liked seeing your Project Life pages, and also appreciate you sharing how you keep your photos organized. Great job on your guest post over at BEGlorious. :o)
Lorraine said…
Thank you for visiting AND staying for a while. I appreciate your comments.
alexa said…
Hello! Just popping over from Beverly's blog, and delighted to get to know another scrapbooker who enjoys recording and savouring the everyday. Your PL pages are full of interest - super snow photos! I like those snowboards too - great splash of colour!
Melissa said…
Enjoyed your guest post over at Beverly's today & I've already added that book to my cart at Amazon!(I can rarely resist a young adult book & this sounds like one I can pass on to my niece after I'm done.) Thanks for the review.

BTW - my Google reader shows you have 74 subscribers who read your blog through Google Reader, so you're spreading more goodness & blessings than you probably know!
Beverly said…
Thanks so much for guest posting, Lorraine! The layouts are great :)
Abi said…
I like your PL pages. I love the stitching around the edges. I keep all my PL elements in one place on the computer. Separated into files for journalling cards, fillers, alphas etc. I like the idea of doing the same with the photos!
Alison said…
Hi Lorraine...enjoyed your post over at Beverly's....I have seen this book and wondered if I would like it...I enjoy teenage friction too! It sounds like something I would enjoy. Your PL pages are really colourful, and the cards are lovely
Alison xx
Lorraine said…
Thank you for your amazing comments and glad some of you are going to read the book I think you won't be dissapointed.

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