Singing in the Rain…Not!

After walking to work in a torrential downpour this morning I got soaked right down to my undies! A great start to an important day. We had been planning a parent info meeting about speech and language for about two months. Lots of planning had gone into it and today was the big day.

I went to bed earlier than usual, woke up bright and early, did my hair, nails and legs, and was ready for the challenge.  Not only did I get soaked but the Speech and language Therapist was detained because her car died in the downpour. The morning session was a wash out resulting in only 50% of the parents coming for the second meeting. Ah well, it’s all in a days work and now I am at home having a cuppa’ and relaxing with Lilly.



Heather said…
"best laid plans....." etc!! Sorry your day was ruined but I expect the parents who did manage to make it were grateful (and a bit soggy too?) xx
Learn To Sing said…
Very informative. Thanks

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